【预售】High-Topped Shoes and Other Signifiers of Race
预订 Digital Signifiers in an Architecture of Information: From Big Data, Simulation to Artificial Intelligence 信息架构
【预售】Signifiers and Acts: Freedom in Lacan's Theory of
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[预订]Digital Signifiers in an Architecture of Information 9781032272702
按需印刷African Foreign Policies:Selecting Signifiers to Explain Agency[9780367348281]
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【4周达】Digital Signifiers in an Architecture of Information: From Big Data and Simulation to Artifi... [9781032272689]
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【4周达】Passion for the Human Subject : A Psychoanalytical Approach Between Drives and Signifiers [9780367325879]
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【4周达】Digital Signifiers in an Architecture of Information: From Big Data and Simulation to Artifi... [9781032272702]
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海外直订Digital Signifiers in an Architecture of Informa... 信息架构中的数字能指
海外直订"Achieved Unity of Meanings" vs. "A Galaxy of Signifiers" “实现了意义的统一”vs。“能指星系”