国外数学名著系列(影印版)24:代数数论9787030182890 [Algebraic Number Theory] Jurgen,Neukirch 著科学出版社
9787510097973 计算代数数论教程 H.科恩 著 GTM138 世图科技 A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory高校研究生教材
预订Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem
预订 Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
【4周达】p-Adic Methods in Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry [9780821851456]
【4周达】Problems in Algebraic Number Theory [9780387221823]
【4周达】Number Theory: Algebraic Numbers and Functions [9780821820544]
【4周达】A Course in Algebraic Number Theory [9780486477541]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry: Papers Dedicated to A.N. Parshin on the Occa... [9780821832677]
【4周达】代数群与数论 Algebraic Groups and Number Theory: Volume 1 [9780521113618]
【4周达】Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory : Festschrift for S. J. Patterson [9781489991584]
【4周达】Selected Papers on Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry [9780821804452]
【4周达】Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: In Honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's 50th Birthday [9780817644710]
【4周达】Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory : Summer School, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2014 [9783319838212]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory [9783540630036]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory [9783319075440]
【4周达】A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory [9783540556404]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory [9783540653998]
【4周达】The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields [9783642083068]
预订 Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis: Proceedings of the International Conference he... [9783110163049]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory and Code Design for Rayleigh Fading Channels [9781933019079]
【4周达】Computational Algebraic Number Theory [9783764329136]
【4周达】Introductory Algebraic Number Theory [9780521832502]
【4周达】Algebraic, Number Theoretic, and Topological Aspects of Ring Theory [9783031288494]
【4周达】Fermat's Last Theorem : A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory [9780387950020]
现货 代数数论 Algebraic Number Theory [9781461269229]
现货 代数数论 Algebraic Number Theory [9780950273426]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners: Following a Path From Euclid to Noether [9781009001922]
【4周达】Introductory Algebraic Number Theory [9780521540117]
【4周达】Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory: - Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory [9780521596695]
【4周达】Fermat's Last Theorem : A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory [9780387902302]
预订 A Textbook of Algebraic Number Theory
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory [9780387942254]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners: Following a Pat... [9781316518953]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory: Count This Shit Twice [9781779661098]
【4周达】Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry: - Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry [9780521545181]
【4周达】Computational Problems, Methods, and Results in Algebraic Number Theory [9783540058229]
【4周达】Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory : Summer School, Galatasaray University, Istanbul, 2014 [9783319477787]
【4周达】A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory [9783642081422]
【4周达】Algebraic, Analytic, and Computational Number Theory and Its Applications [9783036598598]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory [9783642084737]
预订 Number Theory: Diophantine, Computational and Algebraic Aspects. Proceedings of the Internationa... [9783110153644]
【4周达】Algebraic, Number Theoretic, and Topological Aspects of Ring Theory [9783031288463]
【4周达】The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields [9783540627791]
【4周达】A Textbook of Algebraic Number Theory [9789811691492]
按需印刷A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory[9780521004237]
预订 Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory: - A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory [9780521004237]
英文原版 A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory 代数数论简明指南 伦敦数学会学生文本系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
英文原版 Algebraic Number Theory 代数数论 剑桥高等数学研究系列 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【4周达】Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory: - A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory [9780521802925]
【4周达】Algebraic Number Theory: - Algebraic Number Theory [9780521438346]
【预售】Introductory Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】Algorithmic Algebraic Number Theory
现货Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】Algebraic K-Theory, Number Theory, Geometry and
Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】A Conversational Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】Problems in Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: In Honor of
【预售】A Brief Guide to Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory
海外直订Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: Summer School, Galatasaray University, Ist 代数几何与数论:加拉塔萨雷
【预售】Algebraic Number Theory and Code Design for Rayleigh
【预售】Computational Algebraic Number Theory
【预订】Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】Algebraic Structures And Number Theory - Proceedings Of The First International Symposium
【预订】Algebraic Number Theory: A Brief Introduction 9780367761455
【预售】An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
【预售】Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis:
【预订】A Course in Algebraic Number Theory
Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat’s Last Theorem
【预售】Algebraic Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
【预售】Selected Papers on Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
预售 按需印刷 Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis
【预订】The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields
【预订】Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners 9781316518953
海外直订Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory: In Honor of Vladimir Drinfeld's 50th Birth 代数几何与数论:纪念弗拉基
【预订】The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields 9783642083068
Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners 9781009001922
海外直订The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields 代数数域理论
海外直订Algebraic Number Theory 代数数论
【预售】\(p\)-Adic Methods in Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry
海外直订Algebraic Number Theory and Code Design for Rayleigh Fading Channels 瑞利衰落信道的代数数论与码设计
海外直订Algebraic Number Theory and Diophantine Analysis 代数数论与丢番图分析“,
海外直订An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory 代数数论概论
海外直订Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners: Following a Path from Euclid to Noether 代数数论初学者:沿着从欧几里
海外直订Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem 代数数论与费马大定理