英文原版 Matrices and Linear Algebra 矩阵与线性代数 数学 Hans Schneider施奈德 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
[预订]Theory of Clean Rings and Matrices 9789811260124
【预售】Matrices and Determiniods: Volume 3, Part 1
【预订】Spectral Learning on Matrices and Tensors
[预订]Random Matrices, Frobenius Eigenvalues, and Monodromy 9780821810170
【预订】Hadamard Matrices: Constructions Using Number Theory And Algebra 9781119520245
【预售】Structured Matrices and Polynomials: Unified
【预订】The Theory of Matrices
【预售】Infinite Matrices and Their Recent A...
【预售】Noncommutative Probability and Random Matrices at
【预售】Square Matrices of Order 2: Theory, ...
【预售】Partially Specified Matrices and Operators:
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【预售】Structured Matrices and Polynomials: Unified S...
【预售】Linear Operators and Matrices: The Peter Lanca...
【预订】Infinite Matrices and Their Recent A...
【预售】Sparse Matrices and Their Applications: Procee...
【预订】Cones, Matrices and Mathematical Pro...
【预售】Group Matrices, Group Determinants and Representation Theory
【预订】Groups, Matrices, and Vector Spaces
【预订】Difference Matrices for Ode and Pde: A Matlab(r) Companion 9783031119996
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【预售】Toeplitz Matrices and Singular Integral Equati...
【预售】Essential Student Algebra: Volume Two: Matrices a
【预售】Completely Positive Matrices
【预订】Random Matrices and Non-Commutative Probability 9780367700812
【预售】Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis
【预售】Reduced Density Matrices: Coulson S Challenge
【预售】Structured Matrices in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering I
预订 Hierarchical Matrices: Algorithms and Analysis
预订 Trace Inequalities: For Matrices and Hilbert Space Operators 跟踪的不平等:适合矩阵与希尔伯特空间算子: 978981976519
【预订】Formal Matrices
【预售】Formal Matrices (Softcover Reprint o...
【预售】Matrices: Theory and Applications
预订 Tensor Calculus with Object-Oriented Matrices for Numerical Methods in Mechanics and Engineering Fundamentals and
Matrices and Graphs in Geometry
Direct Methods for Sparse Matrices
英文原版 From Random Walks to Random Matrices 从随机游走到随机矩阵 牛津研究生教材 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
【预订】Matrices and Society
【预订】Graph-Theoretical Matrices in Chemistry
【预售】Analytical Chemistry of Complex Matrices
预订 The Structural Representation of Proximity Matrices with MATLAB
[预订]Random Circulant Matrices 9781138351097
【预订】Double Sequence Spaces and Four-Dimensional Matrices 9781032250243
【预售】Handbook Of Matrices
【预售】Projection Matrices, Generalized Inverse Matrices
【预售】Computational Methods for General Sparse Matrices
【预售】Matrices in Combinatorics and Graph Theory
【预售】Comparisons of Stochastic Matrices with Applications
【预订】Index Matrices: Towards an Augmented...
【预订】Random Matrices and Iterated Random ...
【预售】Introduction to Large Truncated Toeplitz Matrices
【预售】Matrices, Statistics and Big Data: Selected Contributions from Iwms 2016
【预订】Random Matrices and Iterated Random Functions
【预订】Polynomial and Rational Matrices
【预售】Product of Random Stochastic Matrices and
【预订】Matrices, Statistics and Big Data
From Random Walks to Random Matrices 英文原版
【预售】The Theory of Matrices: With Applications
英文原版 An Introduction to Matrices Sets and Groups for Science Students 面向理科学生的矩阵 集合和群导论 数学
【预订】Nanostructured Semiconductors in Porous Alumina Matrices: Modeling, 9781774634509
【预订】Linear Circuit Theory: Matrices in Computer Applications 9781774632901
[预订]Asymptotics of Random Matrices and Related Models 9781470450274
【预售】Matrix Calculus and Zero-One Matrices
【预售】Euclidean Distance Matrices and Their Applications in Rigidity Theory
【预售】Products of Random Matrices with Applications to
【预售】Matrices ' Methods and Applications'
【预订】Totally Nonnegative Matrices
Positive Definite Matrices 英文原版
【预售】Nanomaterials Applications for Environmental Matrices
预订 Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices: 9780792370611
预订 Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences
An Introduction to Random Matrices
【预售】Random Matrices: High Dimensional Phenomena
【预售】Group Inverses of M-Matrices and Their Applications
【预售】Elastic Fiber Matrices
【预售】Theory and Applications of Higher-Dimensional Hadamard Matrices, Second Edition
【预订】Shrinkage Estimation for Mean and Covariance Matrices
【预订】Infinite Matrices and their Finite Sections
预订 Advanced Techniques with Block Matrices of Operators
【预售】Acellular Dermal Matrices in Breast Surgery, an
【预售】Matrices and Linear Transformations: Second Edition
【预订】Totally Nonnegative Matrices 9780691242415